I got an email from the Malawi country desk the other day with some last minute info- and there was something especially for you guys! It was a letter from the Malawi country desk meant especially for you- and it is meant to be referred to during my entire service. So, I copied the letter into one of the tabs at the top of my blog. For now, the tab is entitled "Malawi Family & Friends". I really hope you all read it as it is important information that you will need to know so you can adjust your expectations about my experience and hopefully alleviate any worries you have.
Later on I will extract some of the keeping in touch info into my Keep In Touch! tab so you will have your go to info for how to get in touch with me while I am in Malawi. What I can say now about keeping in touch is, during orientation post mail will honestly be the only way to be in touch with me. I will be in training until the end of April. So I plan on writing you all letters and I hope to hear from you. It will take a few weeks for letters to arrive, so sending some letters now would be great so I'm not too out of touch for too long when I get in country.
Speaking of- please start sending me your addresses and preferred email so I can fill my address book and make an email listserv for more personal updates! Either email it to whatever email of mine you have, or use the beloved facebook.
(And for those wondrous people who attended my goodbye party this past Sunday- do not worry. You will all get personal shout outs in my upcoming post devoted entirely to my super awesome party! <3 )
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