
Tuesday, December 14, 2010


I talked to my Placement Specialist yesterday! She asked me a few questions that were similar to ones in my interview- I don't think I was surprised by any of them really, it was just interesting to answer them all over again. A little tedious. Anyway, my specialist said she would be looking over my application in the afternoon and either she or someone else from Placement would be in touch with me within a week about a potential spot!!

Then, I just logged into my email- and my toolkit had been updated! And under "Place" under "Evaluations needed to become an Invitee" it says "Complete. Peace Corps has completed your placement review. There are no holds on your account at this time." WHAT!! Does this mean that I'm going to get an invitation?? I am hoping I hear from Placement to see what all of this really means!! Either way, it seems like something great!

I'm getting my tooth pulled today and then immediately making copies of all my dental crap, and mailing it away! Praying there will be absolutely no glitches there. Gotta keep this process moving!!

I am super happy where things are at right now, and I feel an invitation coming on soon!! Must have been the fortune cookie...

1 comment:

  1. I hope everything went well for you at the dentist.
    You are soooooo very close to finally getting an invitation!
    Even though I haven't received any contact from a Placement Specialist, and I have not received an email informing me that my Toolkit has been updated, as soon as I read your posting, I jumped to look at my toolkit.
    Alas, no change.
    Anyway, congrats to you for the progress and good luck getting an invitation soon. I hope that I am right behind you.
