
Tuesday, November 16, 2010


I emailed my recruiter about my new part time job and passing that info to Placement and she said that I should just wait until I get assigned a Placement Officer, who should "contact you once you've been medically cleared".

SAY WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!! I have been medically cleared! I just wrote back letting her know that and asked if there would be any reason that I haven't been assigned a P.O. yet. Oy! I kind of feel silly now because everyone else I have been reading- as soon as they got clearance they heard from Placement, and I hadnt... I guess my atttempt at being the most patient Peace Corps applicant ever, I decided it was fine.

Either way, I am HOPING that I get some enlightenment on this- and that that enlightenment will bring me my long awaited Placement Officer's friendship :) Haha. but seriously. I am still going to try to not flip out about this (!!!!!) since I know that my flexibility is appreciated in this process (to quote everything about waiting for Peace Corps ever).

Ah, patience, I shall lay in your warm arms yet again...


  1. don't worry. i think it took about 2-3 weeks to hear from placement after i was medically cleared.

  2. I was medically cleared October 6th! Its been more than a month. We shall see!

  3. It will come.
    Relax with the appreciation that you are another step toward your goal. After all, stagings for your areas of nomination do not happen until 2011.
    (Well, that's what the nurse recruiter told me)

  4. I not actually as hyped up as all the exclamation points may seem :) Haha. I really appreciate my recruiter being in touch with me, she has been awesome thru this whole process!
